Panel Discussion

Diverse Teams as the Foundation for Inclusive Products and Services

May 20, 2021 11:00 AM CEST GET TICKETS

Companies of all sizes in all industries have come under fire for generating products or services that are insensitive towards race and disabilities. While homogeneous teams don’t intentionally insert bias into what they create, they don’t always realize how their own worldviews affect the customer base and customer loyalty.

How might an individual with 20/20 vision truly understand and devise a product for those with visual impairments? How might a 90% cis-male team come up with a product suitable for all genders?

Getting feedback and keeping in mind issues facing disadvantaged groups are essential, yet an undiverse team is never likely to know all the questions to ask or the experiences to consider. An inclusive organization, on the other hand, with multi-background employees, is more likely to be truly innovative and come up with products and experiences for all individuals, not just the presumed majority.

Our speakers will cover the following issues during this panel:

Liam McNally Diversity & Inclusion Partner at GitLab Inc.
Siddhi Trivedi Founder at Beyond Identity
Tania Duarte Co-Founder at We and AI
Peter Mousaferiadis CEO at Cultural Infusion