Dianne Sharp ParksDianne Sharp Parks

Founder of The Bootstrap Initiative

Dianne Sharp Parks works for a B2B tech company where she holds 2 full-time jobs.
She’s a Commercial Director for a global account and she is the Chairperson for the
company’s Global Diversity Council – which steers the company’s DEI mission worldwide.

Throughout her personal and professional journey, Dianne has been embedded in

DE&I-centric initiatives to create the change needed to impact a culture of inclusion;
address implicit bias, and support others in underrepresented and marginalized groups.
As a life-long DEI advocate and activist, in addition to her ‘day jobs’, The Bootstrap Initiative is where her purpose projects reside.

She works with certain civic, non-profit organizations, and corporations as mentor, collaborator, and advisory board member

Her passion as an activist, advocate, and mentor for diversity, equity, and inclusion

stems from her personal journey as an under-represented, barrier-breaking, Black
woman in corporate America.

Takes part in

May, 24 5:00 PM CEST

What To Say When You Don’t Know What To Say: Techniques to Navigate Uncomfortable Conversations and Support Inclusive Behaviors in the Workplace

Caught off-guard by a comment? Wish you could unsay something you said? Unsure how to respond? In this 90-minute, interactive session, participants will move from a state of shock to an informed plan of action by gaining awareness of the impact of microaggressions in the workplace and the risks associated with navigating them. Learn to work together with understanding and empathy and build relationships without burning bridges by applying a framework and tools designed to help everyone at every level become more comfortable having uncomfortable conversations.

Dianne Sharp Parks Founder of The Bootstrap Initiative
Lisa Balser Certified Diversity Executive, Founder of New & Improved