Demystifying Inclusion Using Network Science: A Better Way to Measure and Create Real and Sustained Impact
Transforming Power within Organization and for the Women We Serve
How to Be an Ally
In this session you'll learn tangible actions you can take to create a stronger, happier workplace through allyship and advocacy.
- What is allyship?
- Why is allyship important for your company?
- What does allyship look like and feel like, what steps can you take to be a better ally?
- How can companies build allies across their workplace?
Digital Tools to Improve Inclusion in the Post-COVID Workplace
Nowadays, there are tools that help companies decrease bias, improve retention, manage talent and hiring processes, and much more. In addition to implementing DEI strategy in your organization, you can take advantage of tech tools that make it easier to include every employee.
So what appropriate digital tools can boost post-COVID inclusion at your organization?
- Our speakers will discuss the following topics:
- The best technologies for hiring and retention processes to boost DEI in the post-COVID workplace
- Top digital tools to improve cross-team collaboration after the pandemic
- DEI analytics to reinforce and assess inclusion efforts
Activating Equity
To reach our diversity goals, we need to start with activating equity. Organizational leaders must actively explore how their systems and approaches can better fit people, giving each person the support they need to thrive. Deloitte’s Vice Chair of External DEI, Terri Cooper, will answer several important questions on what equity is and what are the ways of promoting it in a workplace.
Results announcement ceremony
Join us for the results announcement ceremony of the Startup Pitch Competition and Inclusive Business Awards.
Current State of Diversity & Inclusion: Panel on Polarization
How should we lead on inclusion in the new environment? Looking at the research over the past 12 months, the panel will discuss:
- Is polarization getting worse or better?
- Is there too much of a focus on race?
- ‘Heat’ vs ‘light’ approaches to driving social and behavioral change
- How we can talk about race and other high stakes issues in ways that help
- Is there a difference between what our organization needs vs. what it is ready for?
Boosting Inclusion at a Workplace by Including Invisible Disabilities
Disabilities can come in many different forms. Most people are familiar with a "visible" disability. If you see someone at work using a wheelchair, wearing a hearing aid or using an assistive device, you likely are aware the person has a disability. However not all disabilities are obvious to the eye. An invisible disability is just as life-affecting as a visible one, but they're not as talked about and easily understood. Disability is consistently overlooked in conversations about diversity & inclusion".
The Power of Experiential Learning to Drive Inclusive Mindsets and Behaviors
Unleashing the Power of Appreciative Inquiry to Create Cultures of Inclusion
According to NeuroLeadership Institute’s Industry research report a culture of inclusion is one in which the habits of inclusion are not just demonstrated by some of the leaders some of the time, but by all members of the organization, all the time. How do we create such a culture? Appreciative inquiry is a recognized discipline in the field of organizational behavior and development and is a philosophy and orientation to culture change that can reshape how to approach creating a culture of inclusion.