
May, 22 5:00 PM CEST

Boosting Engagement of Invisible Groups to Improve DEI Strategy

The workshop will be focused on discussing the importance of having from various communities in leadership positions in organizations and the impact of not having individuals from various backgrounds in these positions.

Donnica Campbell Chief Executive Officer at One World Consultation
May, 23 2:00 PM CEST

How to Create an Inclusive Workplace that Bridges the Generational Gaps in Your Company

According to Deloitte, “Since 2020, 75% of the American workforce are Millennials." This increase is not simply an American phenomenon. It is a global shift that is changing the workplace landscape around the world.

Millennials and Generation Z are becoming two of the largest generations and influencing work environments, buyer influence, diversity and inclusion expectations. Business is changing and corporate executives need to understand how to create organizations that attract and retain these generations to beat out their competition.

May, 23 7:00 PM CEST

Unpacking Bias: Fostering Awareness and Growth to Diminish Discrimination in the Workplace.

Bias—implicit or explicit prejudice—is a significant barrier to creating environments that are diverse, equitable, and inclusive. Bias is also a basic feature of being human. Starting from the premise that everyone is biased, and that awareness is the first step to action, this workshop will take a deep dive into the phenomenon of bias and how it informs perception and behavior.

Essie Martsinkovsky Founder of Vokative LLC
May, 23 8:30 PM CEST

Solving Issues that are Faced by Racial/Ethnic Minorities in a Corporate Setting: a Multi-Pronged Approach

Compass Group at Microsoft sought to change the organizational and societal landscapes through implementation of their DEI strategies, with the culminating impetus of the brutal and viscous murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. With the resolve to be the change they wanted to see in the world, they sought after a Director of Diversity + Inclusion that would bring to the company not only experience and results, but a true passion based on lived experiences with a critical lens toward the plight and issues facing racial/ethnic minorities with respect to career development and organizational dynamics.

Ayanna Cummings Director of Diversity + Inclusion at Compass Group at Microsoft
May, 24 10:00 AM CEST

The Foundation of Developing Disability Leadership to Enhance Workplace Culture and Business Growth

The workshop is for everyone who wants a genuine insight to the realities of what the disabled community goes through and how we can find alternatives to develop ourselves pertaining to the context. Can we envision a board committee having disabled leaders in the future? If yes, then excellent! We ask you to share your experiences with us on how we can execute that! If no, we would like to know if you are open to learning with us?

Incorporating discussions, self-reflection, presentations, storytelling, debating in the session will positively allow you to formulate a respectful frame of reference in a conscientious way.

Jourdan Saunders MS, CCC-SLP, CEO & Founder of The Resource Key
Tanisha Dayal D&I Consulting Partner at The Resource Key
May, 24 2:00 PM CEST

How Can Companies Use Diversity to Enhance Profits and Innovation: an Exploration of Inclusive Leadership

So how can leaders develop a diversity performance mindset to succeed in tomorrow’s world and best prepare their organizations for a future?

This workshop gives CEOs, managers and high level leaders the keys to developing a diversity performance mindset. The workshop covers how diversity ties to performance and how leaders can best lead with this mindset as well as prepare their organizations to best seize the opportunities of a diverse workforce for optimal results.

Chiara Condi Expert, Activist, Consultant at Chiara Condi
May, 24 5:00 PM CEST

What To Say When You Don’t Know What To Say: Techniques to Navigate Uncomfortable Conversations and Support Inclusive Behaviors in the Workplace

Caught off-guard by a comment? Wish you could unsay something you said? Unsure how to respond? In this 90-minute, interactive session, participants will move from a state of shock to an informed plan of action by gaining awareness of the impact of microaggressions in the workplace and the risks associated with navigating them. Learn to work together with understanding and empathy and build relationships without burning bridges by applying a framework and tools designed to help everyone at every level become more comfortable having uncomfortable conversations.

Dianne Sharp Parks Founder of The Bootstrap Initiative
Lisa Balser Certified Diversity Executive, Founder of New & Improved
May, 25 10:00 AM CEST

Debias your Organization for Building Healthy Relationships in Teams and Win Top Talents

We all want to feel valued, recognized, empowered and to feel that we belong at work, that is why diversity and inclusion is so important for winning the top talents today. It is no longer a good to have, but a need to have. But how do you ensure that our talent processes is free from bias and discrimination? How can we identify and mitigate bias in recruitment? How can we empower and develop diverse talents? And how can we create inclusion and belonging so that top talents want to stay? In this workshop, we discuss solutions for debiasing our organizations.

Matilda Bergkvist Diversity & Inclusion Consultant, CEO and Founder of Includer
May, 25 12:00 PM CEST

From Diversity to Proximity: Building Deep Connections with Marginalized Communities

Research shows that many diversity programs fail because leaders are rarely pushed to become truly proximate to the people and issues they discuss during mandatory training. This workshop will outline how leaders and their organizations can develop authentic relationships with marginalized communities. We'll demonstrate common organizational barriers to proximity and approaches to establishing deep community partnership.

Atnre Alleyne Founder of The Proximity Project
May, 25 2:00 PM CEST

Fostering Empathy at a Workplace to Boost Employee Engagement and Strengthen Connection

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to provide a space to understand one another in times of disagreement and discover creative ways, on a limited budget, to boost engagement and build happier teams. You’ll leave with a clear understanding of why vulnerability and boldness are essential to fostering a culture of empathy—and a few ideas to spark change in your organization.

Are you authentically curious about your teammates?

Have you expanded your diversity checklist beyond race and gender?

Do your teammates bring their “whole selves” to work?

Ben Nelson Managing Consultant