Creating a Diverse Talent Pipeline in the Absence of Diverse Candidates
Identifying the root problem interfering with inclusive hiring can help organizations boost both growth and progress. The speakers in this panel will talk about:
- How to enlarge the talent pool when the market lacks diverse talent
- How to promote the inclusion of minority employees
- How to ensure psychological comfort for diverse employees in the post-COVID workplace
Startup Pitch Competiton. The Financial Inclusion Category
Being an Agent of Inclusive Change for Women in Leadership
This keynote session aims to highlight the keys to become an agent of inclusive change for women in leadership. It includes how gender should be embedded as part of the business strategy, how to support women in leadership on their career path, the strategy needed to develop women leaders, the inclusive policies that corporations should foster regarding women's empowerment at a workplace, and key pillars to build a culture of respect to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Why Inclusion is Often an Illusion: D&I Lessons from the World of Special Olympics
In our keynote, we will address why diversity can be mistaken for inclusion, how situations that seem inclusive may not be, and ways we can combat the issue. First, we will discuss how we define what we mean by the illusion of inclusion, and how current measures can often be misleading. We will follow that up with personal anecdotes and experiences from within the world of Special Olympics. We will then provide insights on what we see as critical to creating inclusive environments.
Class at Work – Does Social Class Impact Inclusion at Work?
Over the last thirty years, researchers and diversity and inclusion practitioners have begun to challenge inequalities in workplaces through D&I initiatives and programs for a range of diverse groups. But for the most part, they haven’t attempted to answer the question of whether an individual’s social class makes a difference in their experience of inclusion.
At the Diversity Council Australia, we asked this question as part of our biennial national survey on the State of Inclusion. What we found was that despite the enduring myth of Australia as the land of the opportunity, that social class does in fact make a difference for individuals and their experience of being included in the workplace. We found was strong evidence that people from self-identified lower classes experience more exclusion, discrimination and harassment than people from higher classes.
Diverse Teams as the Foundation for Inclusive Products and Services
Getting feedback and keeping in mind issues facing disadvantaged groups are essential, yet an undiverse team is never likely to know all the questions to ask or the experiences to consider. An inclusive organization, on the other hand, with multi-background employees, is more likely to be truly innovative and come up with products and experiences for all individuals, not just the presumed majority.
Our speakers will cover the following issues during this panel:
- How diverse teams can help enlarge your company’s customer base
- How inclusive products can boost customer loyalty
- What ethical issues to consider in developing inclusive products and services
Ensure that your Organization is Veteran-Ready, not just Veteran-Friendly
Learn how to both attract and retain veteran talent through:
- Recognizing the value veterans bring to your business
- Assessing where you can improve your veteran retention strategies
- Investing in the veteran community
Storytelling at Work: the Secret Sauce to Create Inclusion and Connection
Overcoming Barriers to a Workplace that is Inclusive Towards Refugees and Immigrants
What can employers do, to be more inclusive of these individuals and allow them to fully contribute their skills? Our speakers will discuss three key topics:
- The importance of refugees and immigrants in a post-COVID economic recovery
- What prevents most companies from hiring newly-arrived workers
- Challenges to the inclusion of immigrants and refugees in the workplace
Startup Pitch Competition. The Accessibility Category
Inclusion as a Lenses: Human Centric People Experience
Why Inclusion is key and should be the underlying design lenses you look at for all touch points related to people experience
Diversity & Inclusion as a Global topic , how to make it locally relevant
Wellbeing as a tool to create inclusion
Solving DEI Challenges in a Remote Workforce
How to make sure remote employees all receive equal support? And how to build truly inclusive remote teams? Our speakers in this panel will consider the following topics:
- The new challenges and opportunities presented by remote work
- Harnessing the power of analytics and DEI to transform the future workplace
- Conceptualizing and measuring workplace diversity in a remote setting
The Future of Inclusion: How to take a scientific approach to building a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion
In this session you will learn about tried and tested techniques for building a culture of inclusion. Join us to explore:
- How DE&I programs influence business results
- Why existing approaches often fail to deliver
- The scientific approach that is proven to transform culture and performance
An Intersectional Approach to Addressing All Inequalities in one DEI Strategy
The term intersectionality is becoming more common in discussions of DEI. Still, many employers aren’t sure what it means—or why it matters in their workplace.
Many HR and diversity professionals tend to focus on one type of discrimination at a time. But humans themselves aren’t one-dimensional. For instance, Black women earn substantially less on average than their white, non-Hispanic male counterparts for doing the same jobs. And the unemployment rate for people with disabilities is more than twice the rate for people without disabilities. For a worker who is a Black woman with a disability, these two issues are compounded.
If corporate inclusion efforts don’t prioritize intersectionality, they risk being counterproductive—and can potentially even be harmful.
So how to build an intersectional DEI strategy with true belonging, empathy and inclusion in a company?
Our speakers will examine the following topics in this panel:
- How to boost awareness of intersectionality among DEI and HR officers across the company
- How a holistic approach can provide greater support for all employees
- The power of Allyship programs in fostering a culture of belonging
Championing LGBTIQ+ Inclusion Across International Organizations - the Role of UN-GLOBE
UN-GLOBE's goal is the inclusion, equity, and non-discrimination of LGBTIQ+ people in the UN System and its peacekeeping operations. To achieve this goal, UN-GLOBE advocates for inclusive and equitable employment conditions, diverse, safe, and enabling working environments and cultures & the representation and engagement of LGBTIQ+ people.
In this interview Gurchaten Sandhu, the President of UN-GLOBE, shares the work of UN-GLOBE through his own personal journey.
Leadership Culture – Driving the Path to Inclusion in Corporate Perú
Zelma will share how she learned to become an agent of change to bring the conversation about Diversity and Inclusion at Intercorp, a Peruvian economic group that represents around 3.2% of Peru's Gross Domestic Product.
Intercorp´s Diversity and Inclusión ecosystem is now impacting over 80,000 employees, their families & companies’ partners. Key learnings include: build the data, generate the business case, create a movement, set the tone from the top and, mostly make it about societal impact in order to inspire employees and partners to embrace diversity and inclusion and become agents of change, making Perú the best country in Latin America to raise a family.
Confronting Racism and Injustice in the “New Normal” Corporate World
How can we confront systemic racism and injustice in the workplace? And what can be done to be a good ally and recognize your own privilege? The speakers in this panel will discuss the following topics:
- One year after George Floyd's murder, has the corporate world become less racist?
- Power, privilege and equity: How do they look in the transformed post-COVID workplace
- What is the level of anti-racism corporate policies and practices?
From awareness to action: Sun Life’s journey to create an inclusive culture digitally and at scale
Startup Pitch Competition. The Diversity & Equality Category
Rehumanizing Work in an Age of Accelerating Technological Progress
How do we rehumanize our workplaces and boost empathy in the age of accelerating technological progress? Our speakers will cover the following topics:
- The dominance of the digital identity inside and outside the office
- Boosting emotional intelligence, compassion and understanding within hybrid teams of remote and offline workers
- New type of humane behavior in a digital environment
How can We Make the Financial Compensation Part of the Corporate Inclusion?
In his keynote talk the speaker will provide his perspective on how corporate financial compensation systems should change to create a stimulus for all employees regardless of their rank, position and seniority to be able to thrive and be fairly rewarded for their efforts. Also he will share his view on how the financial compensation system can improve inclusion in the workplace.
Travel Plus Them Helping You Raise Inclusive Global Citizens
Hiring Policies to Improve Gender Balance and Overcome Sex-based Biases
How can companies promote gender equality in hiring and overcome sex-based discrimination? Our speakers will discuss the following topics:
- How to attract more women to apply for a position at your company
- Techniques to overcome sex-based and gender bias
- How to promote gender equality in the workplace
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion is a Journey and not a Declaration
In the following interview Steve Bilt, CEO of Smile Brands & Smiles for Everyone Foundation, will share his personal experience on solving DEI problems and tell about the company's approach to combating the issue.
Also, the speaker will share the lessons learned on certain stages of his professional journey as well as give a valuable piece of advice on DEI-implementing strategies.
Inclusive Business Awards Final
How to Be an Ally
In this session you'll learn tangible actions you can take to create a stronger, happier workplace through allyship and advocacy.
- What is allyship?
- Why is allyship important for your company?
- What does allyship look like and feel like, what steps can you take to be a better ally?
- How can companies build allies across their workplace?
Digital Tools to Improve Inclusion in the Post-COVID Workplace
Nowadays, there are tools that help companies decrease bias, improve retention, manage talent and hiring processes, and much more. In addition to implementing DEI strategy in your organization, you can take advantage of tech tools that make it easier to include every employee.
So what appropriate digital tools can boost post-COVID inclusion at your organization?
- Our speakers will discuss the following topics:
- The best technologies for hiring and retention processes to boost DEI in the post-COVID workplace
- Top digital tools to improve cross-team collaboration after the pandemic
- DEI analytics to reinforce and assess inclusion efforts
Activating Equity
To reach our diversity goals, we need to start with activating equity. Organizational leaders must actively explore how their systems and approaches can better fit people, giving each person the support they need to thrive. Deloitte’s Vice Chair of External DEI, Terri Cooper, will answer several important questions on what equity is and what are the ways of promoting it in a workplace.
Results announcement ceremony
Join us for the results announcement ceremony of the Startup Pitch Competition and Inclusive Business Awards.
Current State of Diversity & Inclusion: Panel on Polarization
How should we lead on inclusion in the new environment? Looking at the research over the past 12 months, the panel will discuss:
- Is polarization getting worse or better?
- Is there too much of a focus on race?
- ‘Heat’ vs ‘light’ approaches to driving social and behavioral change
- How we can talk about race and other high stakes issues in ways that help
- Is there a difference between what our organization needs vs. what it is ready for?
Boosting Inclusion at a Workplace by Including Invisible Disabilities
Disabilities can come in many different forms. Most people are familiar with a "visible" disability. If you see someone at work using a wheelchair, wearing a hearing aid or using an assistive device, you likely are aware the person has a disability. However not all disabilities are obvious to the eye. An invisible disability is just as life-affecting as a visible one, but they're not as talked about and easily understood. Disability is consistently overlooked in conversations about diversity & inclusion".
The Power of Experiential Learning to Drive Inclusive Mindsets and Behaviors
Unleashing the Power of Appreciative Inquiry to Create Cultures of Inclusion
According to NeuroLeadership Institute’s Industry research report a culture of inclusion is one in which the habits of inclusion are not just demonstrated by some of the leaders some of the time, but by all members of the organization, all the time. How do we create such a culture? Appreciative inquiry is a recognized discipline in the field of organizational behavior and development and is a philosophy and orientation to culture change that can reshape how to approach creating a culture of inclusion.
Boosting Engagement of Invisible Groups to Improve DEI Strategy
The workshop will be focused on discussing the importance of having from various communities in leadership positions in organizations and the impact of not having individuals from various backgrounds in these positions.
How to Create an Inclusive Workplace that Bridges the Generational Gaps in Your Company
Millennials and Generation Z are becoming two of the largest generations and influencing work environments, buyer influence, diversity and inclusion expectations. Business is changing and corporate executives need to understand how to create organizations that attract and retain these generations to beat out their competition.
Unpacking Bias: Fostering Awareness and Growth to Diminish Discrimination in the Workplace.
Solving Issues that are Faced by Racial/Ethnic Minorities in a Corporate Setting: a Multi-Pronged Approach
The Foundation of Developing Disability Leadership to Enhance Workplace Culture and Business Growth
The workshop is for everyone who wants a genuine insight to the realities of what the disabled community goes through and how we can find alternatives to develop ourselves pertaining to the context. Can we envision a board committee having disabled leaders in the future? If yes, then excellent! We ask you to share your experiences with us on how we can execute that! If no, we would like to know if you are open to learning with us?
Incorporating discussions, self-reflection, presentations, storytelling, debating in the session will positively allow you to formulate a respectful frame of reference in a conscientious way.
How Can Companies Use Diversity to Enhance Profits and Innovation: an Exploration of Inclusive Leadership
So how can leaders develop a diversity performance mindset to succeed in tomorrow’s world and best prepare their organizations for a future?
This workshop gives CEOs, managers and high level leaders the keys to developing a diversity performance mindset. The workshop covers how diversity ties to performance and how leaders can best lead with this mindset as well as prepare their organizations to best seize the opportunities of a diverse workforce for optimal results.
What To Say When You Don’t Know What To Say: Techniques to Navigate Uncomfortable Conversations and Support Inclusive Behaviors in the Workplace
Caught off-guard by a comment? Wish you could unsay something you said? Unsure how to respond? In this 90-minute, interactive session, participants will move from a state of shock to an informed plan of action by gaining awareness of the impact of microaggressions in the workplace and the risks associated with navigating them. Learn to work together with understanding and empathy and build relationships without burning bridges by applying a framework and tools designed to help everyone at every level become more comfortable having uncomfortable conversations.
Debias your Organization for Building Healthy Relationships in Teams and Win Top Talents
From Diversity to Proximity: Building Deep Connections with Marginalized Communities
Research shows that many diversity programs fail because leaders are rarely pushed to become truly proximate to the people and issues they discuss during mandatory training. This workshop will outline how leaders and their organizations can develop authentic relationships with marginalized communities. We'll demonstrate common organizational barriers to proximity and approaches to establishing deep community partnership.
Fostering Empathy at a Workplace to Boost Employee Engagement and Strengthen Connection
In this workshop, you’ll learn how to provide a space to understand one another in times of disagreement and discover creative ways, on a limited budget, to boost engagement and build happier teams. You’ll leave with a clear understanding of why vulnerability and boldness are essential to fostering a culture of empathy—and a few ideas to spark change in your organization.
Are you authentically curious about your teammates?
Have you expanded your diversity checklist beyond race and gender?
Do your teammates bring their “whole selves” to work?
Engaging Institutional Memory for EDI Design; Looking Backward to Move Forward
Too often organizations attempt to create a DEI action plan without understanding what was inherited and what no longer serves the organizational mission. It’s rare that what came before was the best of what’s possible when it comes to the work of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
If we can acknowledge that fact, we are able to move forward with renewed values and objectives. Together we’ll explore how who we’ve been impacts who we are and where we want to go so that your organization’s EDI roadmap has a clear and aspirational true north.
Boosting Multigenerational Diversity in Corporations to Improve the Business Performance
techniques to explore and overcome teams' members generational differences.
They will learn about training methods that can be used to activate employees’
intergenerational dialogue and comprehension and how to develop team managers’ D&I
skills thus they can better manage gens’ differences and, consequently, improve teams and organizational performance.
Further, participants will learn about an XY integration project case history: project’s
process, tools, outcomes and elements of transferability.Culturally Insensitive Language in the Workplace - D&I and Power of Words
A Beginner’s Guide: Intersectionality to Fight Injustice at the Workplace
A DEI Journey Guide - The How To's of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The A to Z of Setting Up a Hiring Process That Truly Embodies Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Delivered by an ex LinkedIn and Airbnb global recruiter with 11+ years of international HR and recruitment experience in multiple industries and working with cross-cultural teams.
How to Make Salaries and Bonuses an Inclusion Factor for all Corporate Employees and Top Management?
The key of the problem lies in the system of “salary+annual bonus” most commonly used in nowadays corporate world, which:
Does not take into account an employee performance and results month by month;
Does not create stimulus for most employees to go an extra mile when it is needed, with no clear and transparent formula to link those extra efforts with the financial compensation
Does not create an inclusive team spirit between the top management and the rest of the employees
Radically Reimagined Recruiting: Hire More Inclusively and Effectively
hiring targets? Does screening hundreds of resumes make hiring feel like a crapshoot? Should
you use “blind” candidate applications to reduce unconscious bias?
If you’re confused about how to hire equitably and inclusively, you’re not alone.
Rosie Yeung, Certified HR Leader and veteran recruiter, and Susan Bartlett, Rhodes Scholar
and human-centred design expert, lead this interactive design thinking workshop to make a
centuries old process more equitable, inclusive and effective.
How to Drive Performance Management to Achieve Equitable Workplace Cultures
Creating organizational cultures that organically foster diversity, equity, and inclusion is an objective declared by most, attempted by many, but are achieved by few. A consistent performance management system that views employees like people and focuses on their strengths is the backbone to positive employee experiences and building high-performing teams.